“You can’t change your past, but you can change your future” is the theme of this book, and Reggie Daubs’ life story demonstrates his firm belief in this statement. He uses personal anecdotes to show us hope, to demonstrate that the relationship with his Saviour was the transforming power in his life, and this power is available to each and every one of us. More than a “self help” book, Reggie invites the reader to know ten different things about his or her own past or present, to recognize their own pain and shame but to move forward to a much brighter future, redeemed by the love of God.
This is a “must read” for anyone who is struggling with painful issues in this life. Reggie Daubs heart for the broken and needy shines clearly through, as he invites them to experience the saving grace of God, to rebuild their lives on biblical principles. From broken beginnings to triumphant lives – futures changed through faith in action.