Luci Swindoll, renowned Women of Faith speaker, provides some delightful insight into what it takes to have a happy life. Her musings on lessons learned over a lifetime of loving and serving God are served up in 50 short chapters, divided into five sections. Each chapter is titled with a modern day proverb – an instructional five word sentence – which is neither complicated nor difficult; a child could understand most of the basic premises. Each is colourfully illustrated by an incident or example from her own life, as she encourages us to begin with the basics, develop our own style, achieve balance, live a good life, and stay connected.
I have enjoyed listening to Luci Swindoll at Women of Faith events, both live and via dvd; I found this book as interesting and challenging as the woman herself. Her joy shines through when she speaks; it is similarly apparent in “Simple Secrets to a Happy Life”, as she provides godly wisdom for practical living. I would encourage others to not only read this book, but also embrace Luci Swindoll’s prescription for true happiness in our own unique circumstances: these simple truths are sure to yield profound results if we will accept and apply them!
I have enjoyed listening to Luci Swindoll at Women of Faith events, both live and via dvd; I found this book as interesting and challenging as the woman herself. Her joy shines through when she speaks; it is similarly apparent in “Simple Secrets to a Happy Life”, as she provides godly wisdom for practical living. I would encourage others to not only read this book, but also embrace Luci Swindoll’s prescription for true happiness in our own unique circumstances: these simple truths are sure to yield profound results if we will accept and apply them!
I received this book free from Thomas Nelson publishers through the Book Sneeze review program, and was not required to write a positive review.