Friday, May 11, 2012

Book Review: The Truth About Grace

The Truth About Grace is a small book, but packed with insight about the grace of God, the foundation of our very belief system. John MacArthur opens our eyes to “the free and benevolent influence of a holy God operating sovereignly in the lives of undeserving sinners”, as he uses hundreds of verses to thrill us with the richness of that grace. The author also explains how human misunderstanding or twisting of that grace has led to some of the greatest errors in theology and church conflicts.
The depth of knowledge packed into a few short pages is tremendous; the reader is reminded of his/her own sinfulness, but the goal is victory, not defeat. It is as we come to the reality that God gives grace in each and every situation, we are encouraged to submit to His authority, and claim that grace to face each and every circumstance in our lives – to cooperate with the transforming work of the God who has begun, and will complete, His work in our lives.
The Truth About Grace is not an “easy” read, but the truths it reveals are more than worth the time and effort. Take your time, take it in, live it out!

I received this book free of charge from Thomas Nelson Publishers via the Book Sneeze program, and was not required to write a positive review.