Do you believe God is sovereign? Bryan Clay does, and his life is a testimony to that fact. In Redemption, Bryan tells of his journey from a rebellious kid who was almost always in some kind of trouble to a world-class athlete, with Olympic medals – gold and silver - in the decathlon. This was not an easy path: there were ups and downs, unexpected victories, and devastating defeats. His mother never doubted that God had an amazing plan for her son’s life; her prayers for him, and confidence that the plan would be fulfilled, were at times an irritant, and at other times a tremendous encouragement. We learn about “stones of remembrance”: remarkable events that worked together to put and keep Bryan Clay on a path he would not have chosen, and to bring him to his own personal faith in God. Included is the story of the key experience that revolutionized his life, changing him from a man with an intermittent awareness of God to whole-hearted commitment to a life lived for Him.
Redemption provides well-drawn parallels between the benefits of physical discipline, and the even greater benefits of spiritual discipline. It should inspire each and every reader to put consistent effort into using the gifts and abilities which God has given us to bring Him glory; to do what He calls and equips us to do … and leave the results to him.
I greatly enjoyed this book, and would highly recommend it – particularly to those who enjoy physical activity, and testing personal limits.
I received this book free of charge from Thomas Nelson publishers, and was not required to write a positive review.