If you believe that your decisions and actions today have little influence on the future, this is the book to change your mind. Andy Andrews takes us back to a couple of little known events, one a story of courage in the face of overwhelming odds, and the other a tale of valuing human life above personal possessions. In each instance, Andrews opens our eyes to the literally world-changing repercussions of one person’s choice to stand on his or her convictions. The heroes of the initial events never saw the far-reaching results, but we can be amazed by them.
Andrews’ book is visually beautiful, and challenges us to live lives of permanent purpose, realizing that each and every action matters. He says, “You have been created as one of a kind. You have been created in order to make a difference.” He is correct: our lives do matter. We have been placed here and now; our very personalities are not a “mere accident or quirk of fate”, but the very handiwork of the Universal Creator. Unfortunately, Andrews fails to acknowledge the sovereignty of God, or recognize that His purposes will always prevail. Our choice is indeed to make a difference: to act with courage on what we believe is right before God, joining in the work He is doing.
Great book; startling revelations when we are shown the long view; I enjoyed seeing how one thing let to another, and another, with a final result that was far from what I expected from the initial story.
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