Monday, January 28, 2013

Bible Study Review: chase, by Jennie Allen

chase is a Bible study driven by short video sessions, but the true value is in the workbook.  Jennie Allen asks us to look at what drives us, what motivates us, and see where that differs from what God intends for us.  Based on the life of David, it  leads us to begin to chase after God as David did, developing our own “heart after God’s own heart”.  We are encouraged to face our fears, to resolve our doubts; to look at the beliefs we are holding of who God is, and what He expects of us, in light of what He tells us in His Word.

The kit includes question cards which may be used to stimulate discussion, along with a leader guide for a group presentation.  Some of the questions are very personal; the author is careful to emphasize the need for confidentiality among members of the group, as well as the need to refrain from group therapy.

I found chase to be a good tool for evaluating my own heart, seeing what is hindering my own head-long pursuit of God, so I can take steps to remove those things.  In my opinion, this study would be most useful for an individual, or for a small group where there is already a degree of trust between the participants. 

I received this study free of charge from Thomas Nelson Publishers, and was not required to write a positive review.