Sunday, November 6, 2011

Women of Faith - AWESOME!!

This past Friday and Saturday I had the wonderful privilege of attending a Women of Faith event in Rochester, NY with some friends. The Imagine event was fantastic! I laughed, I cried, I laughed until I cried ..... From the Friday daytime events with Sheila Walsh and Dr. Henry Cloud, through the evening event featuring the humour of Ken Davis, and concluding with Saturday presentations by Natalie Grant, Lisa Harper, Nicole Johnson, Angie Smith, and Luci Swindoll each and every speaker touched me, taught me, showed me a life lived "for real". Music - and commentary - by Mary Mary revved up the atmosphere; the Women of Faith worship team did an excellent job leading all of us in times of praise.

It was refreshing and inspiring to hear the stories of real women - and men - who had faced life with all its challenges and difficulties, and had learned that only in Christ can we live fully, but that in HIM, we can have more than we can ever ask or imagine. None of them claimed to be prefect; most showed that at some time or another they had come through a time of deep discouragement, but .... God was faithful, and by turning to Him, they had come through their trials. I was encouraged and inspired by what I heard, as were the others with me. Each speaker had a different life story, a different message, yet all had something that could be taken "home" and used in my own life. No matter how different our life experiences, we all know the same God, we can all be confident that He is sovereign over all the things He allows in our lives, and we can know that we aren't alone! Not only is our God with us in each and every circumstance, He has given us others to come alongside and encourage us, to be with us in what we are facing - the "other monkeys" in our cages!

This weekend was fantastic, and I would encourage any women who have the opportunity to attend an event to grab that opportunity! I hope to go again next year - and take friends with me.

Tickets to Women of Faith were provided to me at no cost through the BookSneeze program; I was not required to write a positive review of this event, but honestly - I have nothing but "positive" to share!

Book Review: The Baker's Wife

Audrey, the Baker’s Wife, races against time as she attempts to determine just what happened when her car struck a motor scooter in an early morning foggy intersection. The scooter is wrecked, blood is everywhere … and there is no body in sight. The situation is complicated by the conflict between Audrey’s husband (the baker) and the detective whose wife owned the scooter. The tension between the two men is not new: accusations by the detective cost the baker his earlier career as a pastor. When the detective cracks, and takes Audrey’s husband and son hostage along with some bakery employees and patrons, Audrey must use her ability to empathize with others’ pain to solve the mystery and release the hostages, aided only by an anxious ex con with her own agenda, and a sneering teen who despises all that Audrey stands for.

The Baker’s Wife by Erin Healy shows a sharp contrast between two men: one who interprets the letter of the Old Testament law very literally, and uses it to judge and try to control the actions of others, and the other who lives a live governed by the love of Christ, and attempts to demonstrate it to everyone who crosses his path. I appreciated that contrast, as well as the skill shown by the writer as she wove the lives of her characters together, but this book did not appeal to me as strongly as I thought it might. The protagonist’s ability to feel others’ agony in excruciating detail didn’t strike me as real, and stopped me from getting caught in the story line. I finished the book, but it didn’t inspire me with a desire to go and find others by the same author.

This book was provided to me free of charge by Thomas Nelson publishers, through Book Sneeze. I was not required to give a positive review.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Book Review: Surprised by Oxford

Surprised by Oxford is the compelling memoir of an unwilling traveler on the road to faith. Carolyn, a self-confessed agnostic, leaves Canada to take a graduate studies scholarship in Romantic literature at Oxford, but finds herself studying a book of a different genre altogether. She is aware of a deep, unmet need within herself, but influenced by her relationship with her earthly father she fights hard against the idea of a loving heavenly Father ready and willing to meet that need. Carolyn's journey is not an easy one, but it is deeply interesting, as one by one her excuses are demolished. As she reads the Bible, applying her scholar's mind, human reasoning gives way to a heart that wants to believe.

The book doesn't end with Carolyn's acceptance of Christ as Saviour; I much enjoyed the remainder of the tale, as Carolyn Weber also addresses what it means to live as a Christian, merging that belief with day to day living in such a way that we indeed become an epistle others can read. Imperfection, rather than being a bar to Christianity, is the means by which God is glorified as He shines through us to those around us. The road to faith continues on until the reality of grace is grasped by the traveler. Great read!

This book was supplied free of charge by Thomas Nelson publishers through I was not compelled to write a positive review; the opinion expressed is my own.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Book Review: Stained Glass Hearts by Patsy Claremont

In “Stained Glass Hearts – Seeing Life from a Broken Perspective”, Patsy Claremont, Women of Faith speaker and well-known author, uses analogies to stained glass windows to look at damage and restoration. With her usual humour and insight, she helps us realize that brokenness is not an end, but a beginning – in the hands of God, those fragments we think are fit only for a trash can are put together into a beautiful new pattern, illuminated by the light of His love. I enjoy working with stained glass myself, which undoubtedly contributed to my appreciation of this book, but the author’s ability to use a beautiful art form to explain Biblical principles will be appreciated by anyone who feels disillusionment or disappointment. Patsy has lived, and is living what she teaches: she illustrates her points with stories from her own life.

An added bonus is provided by the “Art Gallery” recommendations at the end of each chapter. The reader is encouraged to look at various paintings, read literature, including prayers and poetry, listen to music, and meditate on various Scriptures related to the topic of that chapter. I now have a new list of “must read” books!

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze®.com <
http://BookSneeze®.com> book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Grey Skies

The storm has passed;
Yet in its wake the clouds remain, skies are still dull.
No hint of sunrise splendour here –
Just shades of grey, from dark to light.

Then suddenly – a wondrous change:
The gloomy clouds, now edged with gold, provide
A striking frame for
One bright spot of intense blue.

Dawn, though unseen, had still arrived.
Although I could not see the sun I knew
Its glory shone
Unhindered by the clouds below.

And then I thought – how often does my day
Seem covered by a cloud? I cannot seem to sense
The presence of my God.
I wonder why this darkness comes, why can’t I understand?

Yet He is near! He’s promised that
He will remain with me. His Spirit lives within my heart
As pledge His Word is true.

So Father, next time clouds appear to block my view of You,
And when I next feel all alone, and doubt that you are near,
May I remember that You are
Unchanged, and faithful still.

You’re in control; You have allowed those clouds, but if
I’ll patient wait for You, You’ll edge those clouds
With dazzling gold,
And turn my grey day brilliant blue.

EF - August 2011

I was disappointed by the grey cloudy skies when I went out to the deck for my morning devotions, but then ...

White Linen

Clothed in garments of salvation,
Given a robe of righteousness;
Dressed in linen, fine white linen
As a bride – the bride of Christ.

My own clothes – those rags and tatters –
Gone! Now I’m adorned like this!
All because my blest Redeemer
Took my guilt and made it His.

On Calvary He bore God’s judgment;
Paid the price that I might be
Now arrayed in white before Him;
No more in chains: I’ve been set free.

Jehovah tsidkenu is worthy;
Now to Him I bow the knee.
Praise Him; worship and adore Him
Now and through eternity.

EF – October 2008

Challenge by Beth Moore in “A Woman’s Heart”, to write something showing the praise and worship which rises from my heart at the thought of the “fine white linen” in which the Bride of Christ is adorned in Revelation.


“In His name only can I boast.” What does that mean to me?
What do I know about my God? How does He meet my needs?
When restless fears and worries come, and press in all around
I’ll turn to Him, for in His Name my confidence is found.

Elohim, the Creator God; He speaks and it is done.
His Words created heaven and earth; the stars, the moon, the sun.
He formed and made me too, I know; He has a plan, you see –
That I should show His glory forth, through His power within me.

Another name - El Elyon, the only God Most High,
The Sovereign One whose will prevails on earth and in the sky.
The end from the beginning – to Him alone it’s known;
He plans, He does, and in all things, His mighty power is shown.

He knows what happens to us here, throughout our daily life;
El Roi who sees, who never sleeps, allows some pain and strife.
He sees, He knows, and for my good permits these things to be
So I will trust Jehovah-jirah to provide for me.

Yes, El Shaddai, the All Sufficient One – behold He stands
Waiting for us to turn to Him, to take His outstretched hand.
Jehovah! Now and through eternity He will remain the same.
The Only Self-Existent One, the “I AM WHO I AM”.

As my Jehovah-rapha He brought healing from my sin;
He paid the price, He took the stripes – it all fell onto Him.
At Calvary Christ chose to pay redemption’s awful price;
My cleansing purchased by His blood – His death gives me new life.

So now I own Him as my Lord; to Him I bow the knee;
Confess Him Adonai and seek ever to Him obey.
I want to live my life for Him, according to His plan;
To walk with Him, and talk with Him – to KNOW the great I AM.

Jehovah-tsidkenu: He is my righteousness, you see;
For there was nothing I could do – He did it all for me.
Jehovah-mekoddishkem now completes the work begun;
He sanctifies me in His truth, gives me a heart for Him.

Jehovah-shalom bestows peace – a gift beyond compare;
Not as the world’s uncertain truce: His peace removes all care.
Jehovah-raah my Shepherd is; He leads me day by day;
He calls my name; I know His voice; I’ll follow Him always.

When circumstances get me down; or when I cannot cope
Then to Jehovah-sabaoth I cry, the mighty Lord of Hosts.
It may be He’ll deliver me; provide a clear way out;
But if not, then He’ll strengthen me, I know beyond a doubt.

And when the battle rages wild, with satan’s fierce attack
I put on God’s whole armour; use His Word to fight back.
In conflict my Jehovah-nissi will become the standard bright;
The One on whom I fix my gaze; the Banner lifted high.

No matter what my life may bring I’ll never be alone;
My God has promised to be with me everywhere I go.
Jehovah-shammah! He is there! His Spirit lives within
Empowering me to do His will, to always obey Him.

Yes, in His many names I’ll boast; such promises I see;
They clearly show His character, His holiness to me.
Salvation, hope, and confidence He’ll meet my needs always –
Jesus, my Savior and my Lord – to You be all the praise!

EF July 2008

Just finished the Kay Arthur book “Lord, I Want to Know You”. One of the points she makes is that we are slow to bring our needs to God because we don’t know Him … and one of the best ways to get to know Him is to study His names. Some of them were already in my head, but I need to move them ALL down to my heart, so they become real to me; so I can call on Him and claim the promises inherent in His Holy name.

ELOHIM: Creator God
EL ELYON: The God Most High
EL ROI: The God Who Sees
EL SHADDAI: The All Sufficient One
ADONAI: The Lord
JEHOVAH: The Self-Existent One
JEHOVAH-JIRAH: The Lord Will Provide
JEHOVAH-RAPHA: The Lord Who Heals
JEHOVAH-NISSI: The Lord My Banner
JEHOVAH-MEKODDISHKEM: The Lord Who Sanctifies You
JEHOVAH-SHALOM: The Lord is Peace
JEHOVAH-SABAOTH: The Lord of Hosts
JEHOVAH-RAAH: The Lord My Shepherd
JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU: The Lord My Righteousness
JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH: The Lord is There


“One thing”… oh such simple words; such meaning lies beneath.
For what we hold as our “one thing” defines the life we lead.
Do I desire with all my heart to dwell within His gates?
To gaze upon my blessed Lord? To worship at His feet?

Or is there something here I seek, some treasure dear to man?
The great deceiver does his best to fool me if he dcan.
For money, praise or fame he’ll make appear before my eyes;
He tries to make me think of them as something I should prize.

Perhaps it is a “something good” – no harm it seems to hold;
A spouse, a child, a cause so dear; a friendship made of gold.
Yet if I value it too much, to it devote my life
In serving it I’ll lose that joy for which Christ paid the price.

And if I can resist those lures, there’s yet another snare;
I try so hard to serve my Lord, yet trouble, grief or care
Can quickly come if I’m to tired to spend some time with Him,
For then I start to look around: my spiritual sight grows dim.

“One thing I know …” – I once was blind, and He has given sight,
Has shown me that I need His help to set my goals aright.
Oh Lord, I ask, let my “one thing” while here on earth below
Be all my days to follow You, Your glory forth to show.

You’ve taken hold of me, my Lord; Your work begun in me,
You’ve shown to me the value of committing time to be
Apart with You to start each day, to read Your Word, to pray;
To quietly commune with you; to hear what You will say.

So by your power in me, my God, this “one thing” do I claim;
Forgetting that which is behind, toward the goal I strain
To win that prize for which, O God, You’re heavenward calling me

In Christ my Lord: Him will I praise throughout eternity.

EF - June 2009

After finishing Kelly Minter's "No Other Gods" study: functional vs professed gods. Is there something, even something right and good in itself, that I unknowingly am "serving" instead of Christ?


Lord, You have done great things in me, and oh, I thank You so!
My life: a miracle of love and grace; Your mercy do I know.
Relentless patience you displayed; no matter how I ran
You drew me back, and deep in me, a hunger for you fanned.

You have in mind a plan for me to follow here below;
And if I do obey, oh Lord, my “promised land” I’ll know.
I don’t know what You’ll ask of me, what changes must be made,
But Lord, You have begun that work – continue it, I pray.

You’ve given me Your strength, Your power; Your Spirit lives within,
Enabling me to do Your will, to have no fear of men.
Your Word alive, active in me: a sword that I can use
To fight back when the devil would discourage or confuse.

Through prayer I cast my cares on you, bring all my worries too;
Pour out my heart, and know that You are listening as I do.
It’s such a comfort Lord, to know, no matter what I face,
That You are there with me, and so, will strengthen me with grace.

You’ve said as I remain in You, You will remain in me,
And only then I’ll bear much fruit – Oh Lord, please let it be
My goal in life on earth to thus abide in You alone,
And glory bring to God above – HE reigns upon the throne.

EF – June 2008 (re-baptism, but first time as a believer)

So many changes over the past 2 years! Beth Moore says in one of her studies that the more she is obedient, the more God asks her to do. At the time that scared me - and it still does, a bit - but I'm realizing the tremendous peace and joy He gives when I am obedient to what I sense Him telling me to do ... and that is worth far more than the opinions of those around me.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Book Review: Water's Edge

If you enjoy reading about legal twists and turns, this is the book for you! Tom Crane, an ambitious young lawyer, thinks he is on the brink of an important promotion, but instead sees his dreams come crashing down. After his career and his love life both take nosedives, Tom returns to his small hometown to tie up loose ends left by his father's sudden and unexpected death. Instead of a quick cleanup of old business, and a return to a new job in Atlanta, Tom finds himself confronted with a mystery, a huge amount of money in an unexplained account, and evidence pointing to wrongdoing by his father. Over and over, as Tom tries to solve the mystery, he is faced with legal and ethical issues. Along the way he is brought into genuine relationship with the God whose existance he had ignored for years.

I thoroughly enjoyed "Water's Edge". Tom's struggle to resolve the conflict between the evidence he sees and the knowledge of his father's faith-based life, combined with the touch of romance between Tom and Rose, who is caught in the same web of conflict, makes a great read. The clear evidence of the change in Tom as he begins to share his father's faith adds a valuable spiritual component. This was the first book by Robert Whitlow that I have read, but it definitely won't be my last!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Book Sneeze - Women of Faith

SOOOOO excited - I've won tickets to a Women of Faith event in Rochester! I've never been to one of these events live, but have enjoyed watching dvds of several of the weekends. The dvds were challenging, thought provoking, and entertaining - and I'm sure that the live event will be even better! My only problem: who to take with me .....

Monday, July 4, 2011

Book Review The Fight of Our Lives

The Fight of Our Lives by William J. Bennett and Seth Leibsohn gives an eye-opening perspective of political correctiness, and the havoc it is effecting in America. We are taken through the events surrounding the massacre of Fort Hood: the warnings which should have been clear to all, and the investigation afterward which failed to identify the root cause, but lost itself in meaningless phrases. The authors boldly warn against the dangers of appeasing terrorists, of tip-toeing around radical Islam in the name of tolerance, of embracing diversity at the cost of safety. We are shown how the protective reaction which characterized the USA in the days following 9/11 has dramatically declined, to the point where a US Army major who made no secret of his radical Islam theology was able to open fire on his fellow soldiers within a military institution.

This book is a wake up call to awareness of the threats to peace on this continent; to the danger of "multiculturalism" which preaches the kind of tolerance that allowed the events of Fort Hood; to the reality that there is a war against Christianity, and the battle is taking place in society all around us. I highly recommend it to anyone interested in learning more about the effort to destroy our culture. Know the enemy, and see the reality of the war!

I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Book Review: REGGIE

“You can’t change your past, but you can change your future” is the theme of this book, and Reggie Daubs’ life story demonstrates his firm belief in this statement. He uses personal anecdotes to show us hope, to demonstrate that the relationship with his Saviour was the transforming power in his life, and this power is available to each and every one of us. More than a “self help” book, Reggie invites the reader to know ten different things about his or her own past or present, to recognize their own pain and shame but to move forward to a much brighter future, redeemed by the love of God.

This is a “must read” for anyone who is struggling with painful issues in this life. Reggie Daubs heart for the broken and needy shines clearly through, as he invites them to experience the saving grace of God, to rebuild their lives on biblical principles. From broken beginnings to triumphant lives – futures changed through faith in action.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Book Review: Then Sings My Soul by Robert Morgan

I have known and loved many of the hymns in this book all my life, and it was interesting to learn some of their background. Robert Morgan provides lyrics, sheet music, and nuggets of information about the writers, as well as the circumstances which led them to pen these well loved words. The book format lends itself to use as a devotional, as each page includes a scripture reference which either inspired the hymn, or is related to the words. There are sections devoted to Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving. American patriotic hymns are also included, along with a selection of other favourites.

Although a number of the entries were excellent, I found some rather disappointing: the "background" story had little or nothing to do with the hymn itself, or seemed to be more related to American history than anything else. This was particularly noticeable in the patriotic section.
If you know little or nothing about the history of this type of music, and would like to learn a few details, I would recommend this book. If you are unfamiliar with the older hymns, this is an excellent way to learn the beautiful and inspirational lyrics, and the lovely tunes. If you are looking for more in depth history about the composers or their compositions, you will need to keep looking!

I received this book free from Thomas Nelson Publishers as part of their book review program. I was not required to write a positive review; the opinions I have expressed are my own.